Miranda and Annie's perfect 10 minute brunch

OK, so anyone can do this. It's easy, and probably not worth blogging... only I turn 30 in a few days, and for my birthday, mummy midge gave Annie a sparkly new camera early because of going away, so I can take pictures before I leave and whatnot!

It would be rude not to take pictures of mine and Miranda's favourite brunch meal right now. Miranda might have got a little carried away due to it being a new toy and all that! 

 So above are the ingredients. Pretty obvious from the picture. British bacon, free range eggs, Avocado shipped from somewhere in the world and mini bagels from the kosher bakery up the road, Yosi's. 

 Bacon grilled, always. 

 Boiling water on to simmer. 

 If you make it pretty, it tastes better. 

Max wants some, but he can't have any! 

These little egg poachers are nifty. You can buy them from Lakeland here

Take your bacon out and shove your bagels under the grill on full whack. They take 30-60 seconds. 

Finish up with a nice strong cup of Yorkshire tea, and some biccies. 



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