
I have had 1000 views on my blog. Whoop! Probably doesn't sound like much right? Well it is to me!! I only started a few months ago and I didn't think anyone would be interested in me!

When I hit that number on Tuesday. I said that if everyone came on here and read it so that I would hit the magic number, then I would post a photo of myself drunk. 

I did get drunk and a photo was taken, but not on my camera. To be quite honest, It probably wasn't that bad as we were just chilling at my house drinking wine and watching a movie. (I was drunk though having been in Soho from about 1pm onwards!) 

So I've dug out two classics of me for your entertainment purposes. 

Hope that makes up for it. 

Things could be quiet for a few more days, then hopefully an exciting new entry will appear! 



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